We are asking for your help. No we don’t have problems. We would just like to know what you think. We are not resting on what was done but pressing on to what can be. To help with this process, your reply to our survey questions would be invaluable. It’s quite simple and only takes about 30 seconds.
In the construction of outdoor spaces and places with exterior flooring, with or without Outdoor Floor System® products, GRATEDEX® or elePHOOT® systems, there are two primary elements that create the assembly: Surface and Support—the hard surface material that is the walking-traffic surface and the material under the surface that transfers the loads down and transfers stability up. As you evaluate your design, the clients use requirements and the site conditions, you must weigh the integration of these two elements. And in doing so, must determine the value of the contribution of each to the final design solution.
So tell us what side of the equation is more weighted in your decisions. We appreciated your feedback. It will help as we continue plans for some new programs. Stay tuned.