Getting to the meat of the matter is what matters most in your busy design schedule. Architects, Designers, Specifiers and Contractors are often juggling multiple projects requiring material and construction considerations. Efficiency in arriving at the best decision is critical. Drilling down to the details to ensure the best choice is important.
Outdoor Floor System® is glad to introduce a new Technical Documents repository. In this library is a full resource of system support information to help you with the evaluation process, presentation, specifying and installation of our outdoor floor solutions. The current Documents available for download include…
- Drawings
- Installation
- Brochures
- Testing
In the future we will be adding additional documentation including updated Specification and a Comparative sections. In this Library, we will include test data for various assemblies and supporting elements.

As you cut into the meaty portions of the information we have prepared, we hope that you will uncover the creative flavor and grade AA quality of our solutions for your next outdoor floor design consideration.