Construction 2020 is now out of the ground and moving. Many are finally back to work. This is a great thing! These are the working hands that run the wheels of the economy and lift the spirits. So how about a little oil to help keep it moving upwards?
Outdoor Floor System® is happy to be a participant in this process. With only two months left of Summer 2020, we are passing along to all customers SPECIAL SUMMER SAVINGS. These savings are up to 75% off of selected System Packages and pedestals. This is an opportunity for you and your customers to put hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars back into the pocket. If you have been considering a creative outdoor floor installation, now is the time to get it done.
We are always available to answer questions and help clarify a best fit for you. Don’t wait. This is a LIMITED TIME Sale while supplies last. GET YOUR SAVINGS NOW. Enjoy the sunshine.